This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress

Using LaTeX in WordPress

Plotting Graphs

Tuesday 31st August 2004

Filed under: — Steve @ 10:04 pm

\psplot[plotstyle=curve,linewidth=0.5pt]{-4}{0.9}{10 x exp}% postscript function
\psplot[plotstyle=curve,linecolor=red,linewidth=0.5pt]{-4}{3}{2 x exp}% postscript function
\psplot[plotstyle=curve,linecolor=blue,linewidth=0.5pt]{-4}{2.05}{2.7183 x exp}% postscript function
\rput(-4,-1){\color{white}bounding box\normalcolor}

These graphs are courtesy of PSTricks

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  1. Neat stuff. I found your post on Google while trying to accomplish a similar task for my blog. Being able to use LaTeX within a blog is simply amazing — so many more possibilities!

    I’ve found that adding a small -blur tag to convert helps the gif look a little bit nicer; also -trim seems to have some weirdness on my version of convert, so I’ve taken it out. Took a bit of experimentation to get it right.

    Anyway, keep up the good work!

    Comment by Titus Barik — Tuesday 21st September 2004 4:57 am #

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This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress