This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress

Using LaTeX in WordPress

Online LaTeX PDF

Wednesday 4th November 2009

Filed under: — Steve @ 7:04 pm

I have added a PDF of the post Online LaTeX. It can be downloaded here or in a link in the post or from the Downloads section on the right.

The number of links keeps growing and I’ll try to add new ones as they arise.


  1. hi, I am made a physics website for the undergraduate students of our university. I have sucessfully installed the latexrender for my site. BUT I met a really bad problem, that’s i don’t know how to make the latex code displaying directly in the webpage, because I need show the code to help those who are not aware of the latex code.

    when the render sees xxxxx,it make it a image, but I need the code plus  and show directly,how can i do?


    Comment by cheng — Sunday 18th April 2010 4:39 am #

  2. Hover the mouse over the image to see the code. You can also use a popup window to show the code directly – if you look at the demo folder in the LatexRender download you can see how this is done.

    Comment by Steve — Sunday 18th April 2010 10:08 am #

  3. I know,but this way is to display the code without the [/tex] and [tex],when I include the 2 strings, it will be rendered by latex.

    Comment by cheng — Sunday 18th April 2010 12:54 pm #

  4. Do you want to show both the code and the image? If so, just add $alt_latex_formula into the line starting $text = substr_replace in phpbb_hook_2.php.

    Comment by Steve — Sunday 18th April 2010 1:31 pm #

  5. thanks a lot.
    it seems that latexrender has no way to meke [/tex] and [tex] escape from the render.

    Comment by cheng — Sunday 18th April 2010 2:09 pm #

  6. Are you saying that you want to include the words [tex] and [/tex] on the page? Then use HTML code for part of it so it won’t be rendered. For example [tex& #93; (with no space between & and #) would look like [tex] but not start the rendering.

    Comment by Steve — Sunday 18th April 2010 2:26 pm #

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This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress