This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress

Using LaTeX in WordPress

Escaped characters in LatexRender

Tuesday 4th May 2010

Filed under: — Steve @ 10:21 am

LaTeX code uses backslashes for commands and sometimes this can be misinterpreted by PHP, particularly in more recent versions, giving strange and unwanted output (see here).  It is easy to adapt LatexRender code to deal with this problem and there are two articles, that I am aware of, showing how to do this:

Bill Baxter’s LaTeX in WordPress with PHP5.x

Ulf Hamster’s  Verwendung von LatexRender für Webpages  Google’s translation into English:  Use of latex rendering for web pages

Many thanks for these helpful articles. If you know of other articles that improve LatexRender do let me know.


This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress