
Sunday 10 October 2004 at 6:42 pm | In Articles | Post Comment

Euclid’s proof that there are an infinite number of primes is a classic and as such appears as the first proof in Proofs from The Book.
Equally well-known is the formula (known as The Prime Number Theorem) which tells you that the number of primes \pi(x) less than x is given by \pi(x)\sim \dfrac{x}{\log x} which means that the larger the value of x the closer (in a well-defined mathematical sense) \dfrac{x}{\log x} is to \pi(x). This is quite hard to prove.

An easier, but non-trivial result, is Bertrand’s postulate which says that there is always a prime between n and 2n.

The fact that there are arbitrarily large gaps between successive primes is not difficult to prove. Suppose we want to find a gap between successive primes which is at least of size N. Then we look at the numbers


Then each of these numbers is not prime. Why? Look at N!+a where 2 \leq a \leq N. Then a divides both N! and a and so divides N!+a. Clearly a<N!+a so N!+a=a \times \frac{N!+a}{a} shows N!+a is not prime.
So we have a series of N-1 numbers all of which are not prime; thus the gap between a prime less than N!+2 and a prime more than N!+N is at least N.

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