Mathematics Weblog
Sunday 10 October 2004 at 6:42 pm | In Articles | Post CommentEuclid’s proof that there are an infinite number of primes is a classic and as such appears as the first proof in Proofs from The Book.
Equally well-known is the formula (known as The Prime Number Theorem) which tells you that the number of primes less than is given by which means that the larger the value of the closer (in a well-defined mathematical sense) is to . This is quite hard to prove.
An easier, but non-trivial result, is Bertrand’s postulate which says that there is always a prime between and .
The fact that there are arbitrarily large gaps between successive primes is not difficult to prove. Suppose we want to find a gap between successive primes which is at least of size . Then we look at the numbers
Then each of these numbers is not prime. Why? Look at where . Then divides both and and so divides . Clearly so shows is not prime.
So we have a series of numbers all of which are not prime; thus the gap between a prime less than and a prime more than is at least .
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