This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress

Using LaTeX in WordPress


Saturday 5th March 2005

Filed under: — Steve @ 11:56 pm

Chemists do make use of \LaTeX but they have different typesetting conventions from mathematicians. For example the chemical \cf{H2O} is quite different from the mathematical H_2O . Martin Hensel’s mhchem package allows the easy typing of chemical symbols. Here are some examples taken from mhchem’s documentation. Needless to say, not being a chemist, they don’t mean much to me 🙂

Hover over, or click on a formula, to see the underlying latex code.






\ce{SO4^2- + Ba^2+ -> BaSO4 v}

<=>[\ce{+ 2OH-}][\ce{+ 2H+}]
{\underset{\text{amphoteres Hydroxid}}{\ce{Zn(OH)2 v}}} %group!
<=>[\ce{+ 2OH-}][\ce{+ 2H+}]
{\underset{\text{Hydroxozikat}}{\cf{[Zn(OH)4]^2-}}}% group!

\ce{{{x\,}} Na(NH4)HPO4 ->[\Delta]
(NaPO3)_{{x}} + {{x\,}} NH3 ^ + {{x\,}} H2O}


This site is a showcase for using LatexRender for mathematics in WordPress