Law Weblog
Facebook used to serve Legal papers
Monday 22 December 2008 at 3:54 pm | In News | Post CommentA lawyer in Canberra, Australia used Facebook to serve legal papers on a couple, after several attempts to reach them failed. They had missed payments on a loan for £44,000. It is believed to be the first time Facebook has been used in this way.
The lawyer, Mr McCormack resorted to using Facebook after the couple failed to attend a court appearance in October. Having found the woman’s page, he used details listed there such as her date of birth to argue in the Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court that she was the person in question. Her partner was listed as one of her “friends”.
Australian courts have, in the past, granted permission for people to be served with legally binding papers via email or even text message but this is the first time they have allowed the use of Facebook,
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