Law Weblog
Criminal justice – compare and contrast
Wednesday 12 July 2006 at 6:59 am | In News | Post CommentA story about a recycling bin that is of no particular consequence except that it appeared during the week that the Attorney General declared that the judge in the Sweeney paedophile case had correctly applied the law. It shows the range of behaviours that are “criminal”.
Sweeney kidnapped and indecently assaulted a 3 year old girl and was given a minimum custodial sentence of less than 6 years.
Exeter woman Donna Challice aged 30 wound up in court over the shocking state of her recycling bin which had been contaminated with all manner of inappropriate waste – from cigarette butts to potato peelings; however the prosecution failed to prove that the defendant herself had dumped it there. Anyone could have fouled Ms Challice’s bin, but it was not her. Donna had been warned about the state of her green bin, but it continued to become contaminated with non-recyclable waste, the council offered help to address the issue.
Donna’s case was the first of its kind and the £5,000 legal bill was paid for by Exeter council tax payers. Sweeney’s sentence will not be referred by the Attorney General to the Court of Appeal because it is not unduly lenient.
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