Law Weblog
Sean Hodgson may receive millions in compensation
Friday 15 January 2010 at 9:38 pm | In News | Post Comment In 2008, Sean Hodgson’s conviction for killing Teresa De Simone, 22, in Southampton in 1979 was quashed after new DNA evidence came to light.Miss De Simone’s body was found in the back seat of her Ford Escort in a car park beneath the Tom Tackle pub.
Suspected of her killing, Mr Hodgson confessed to her murder at the time of the original inquiry but pleaded not guilty at his trial in 1982, where his defence team said he was a pathological liar.
In 2008, DNA revealed David Lace as the suspected killer. Lace, who confessed to the murder in 1983, killed himself in December 1988, aged 26.
Mr Hodgson could be in line for the maximum £1m compensation from the MoJ, while further planned action against the Forensic Science Service (FSS) and Hampshire police could also top more than £1m.
Mr Hodgson has received a £200,000 interim payment from the MoJ following his release, although his access to the cash is limited for his own protection.
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