Law Weblog
The Licensing Act 2003 became law today
Sunday 10 October 2004 at 10:19 pm | In News | Post CommentRole of Magistrates
The 2003 Act represents the first major review of licensing law for almost 40 years and will change the existing laws regarding the type of licence required in order to provide a number of different functions and facilities.
Magistrates lose licensing role to Local Authorities
When fully operative the Act will abolish the existing liquor licensing system which currently operates under the Licensing Act 1964 through the Magistrates’ Courts in England and Wales. The new ‘licensing authority’ will in future be the relevant local authority. There will be one licensing body for all licensing issues. However, appeals against the ‘licensing authorities’ decisions will be to the magistrates.
What will it affect?
The Act will amalgamate six existing licensing regimes, these being: alcohol public entertainment cinemas theatres late night refreshment houses night cafes
When will everything change?
7 February 2005 is the first appointed day for Licensing Authorities to begin processing licensing applications
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