Law Weblog
Transsexual prisoner to move to a female prison
Saturday 5 September 2009 at 7:54 am | In News | Post CommentA transsexual killer who also tried to rape a woman must be moved to a female prison.
Holding her with men breaches her rights. The prisoner, has obtained a High Court ruling that keeping her in a male prison is a violation of her rights.
The 27-year-old inmate, was originally convicted of manslaughter in 2001 and jailed for five years.
Less than a week after her release on licence two years later, she attacked a shop assistant, forcing her into a back room, tied her up with a suspender belt and tried to rape her.
She was given a life sentence for that offence under a “two strikes” system following the manslaughter conviction.
Full story in The Telegraph here.
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