Law Weblog
“Happy Birthday Legal Aid”
Thursday 30 July 2009 at 9:39 am | In News | Post CommentLegal Aid was part of the post war welfare reforms and until that date, access to justice for most people depended on charity, self-help and pro-bono lawyers.
Today, legal aid helps more than 2 million people each year and costs £2 billion.
The scheme is run by the Legal Services Commission (LSC), and is the best-funded state legal system in the world: the Government spends £38 per head of population on legal aid.
Legal aid provides legal advice, help and representation through solicitors, brristers and advice agency advisers. It includes advice at a police station on arrest, settling a childcare dispute, help and with debt.
* Over quarter of a million people involved in family disputes,
* Around 125,000 people with housing problems,
* Over 90,000 people struggling with debt,
* Around 18,000 people suffering domestic abuse, and,
* Over 90,000 people seeking the welfare benefits which they are entitled to.
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