No corporate killing reforms during this Parliament?

Friday 21 May 2004 at 11:28 pm | In News | 2 Comments

Baroness Scotland, the minister responsible for criminal law reform has admitted that any legislation on corporate killing can no longer be expected during this Parliament. This is despite reforms promised in Labour’s 1997 and 2001 manifestoes.
She ruled out a key demanded for reform; targeting individual directors. Furthermore, she indicated that any new law would not be extended to the public sector. Any such reforms would therefore be largely window dressing and would not address the concerns of the public that large corporations can ‘get away’ with killing ferry passengers and rail passengers as they have hitherto.
A ten-minute rule Bill was introduced by Frank Doran.


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  1. Where did you get this info? On a quick scan of the guardian, hansard, and the Baroness’s website, i couldn’t find any info. Also, and i know i’m pushing, do you know the name of the proposed bill i would be curious to read the proposed language to date. Thanks for any info supplied. Nick

    Comment by Nick Bellfort — Friday 28 May 2004 12:03 am #

  2. Lexis Nexis reported that it was in Times, 17 May 2004 on page 21.
    In a largely unnoticed speech on April 29, Baroness Scotland, admitted that the process had taken longer than expected.
    It was called the Corporate Killing Bill 2003/04 as the bill has been withdrawn it is no longer visible on the Parliamentary website, but its introduction is available in Hansard at
    A similar government bill was introduced last year, which also failed.

    Comment by Mike — Friday 28 May 2004 12:46 am #

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