Law Weblog
DNA first – appeal by Pitchfork
Sunday 7 December 2008 at 10:19 am | In News | Post CommentColin Pitchfork, the first person in the world to be convicted of murder on the basis of DNA evidence was given permission to challenge his sentence (on 4th December 2008).
In 1988, Pitchfork, was jailed for the murders of two schoolgirls, he is currently serving a minimum term of 30 years of a life sentence.
He is now 48 and claims the 30 years is manifestly excessive and wants it reduced. If it is reduced he would be eligible to apply for release on parole.
His crimes were described in court as “heinous”, he raped and strangled the two girls aged 15.
DNA was found on the victims and a mass screening of local men took place; Pitchfork avoided detection for a while by paying another man to pretend to be him and give a sample. The deception was uncovered when the other man was heard bragging about what he had done.
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