Law Weblog
Law most popular subject at university
Friday 22 February 2008 at 3:21 pm | In News | Post CommentLast week the latest figures from UCAS were made available and they show a continued rise in the number of university applicants.
As of 15 January, the date by which applicants should apply to be given equal consideration, there were 430,489 people applying for a full-time undergraduate course at UK universities and colleges – a rise of 8.9% or 35,182.
The top five subject choices remain the same at this point in the year as last year with some small changes in order.  Law by area remains top, pre-clinical medicine climbs from third to second, psychology falls to third and English studies and management studies swap places and are now fourth and fifth respectively.
For 2008 entry, the maximum number of course choices that an applicant can make has changed from six to five.
Anthony McClaran, UCAS Chief Executive said: “These figures show that for the second year running we are seeing strong growth in the level of applications for undergraduate courses. These figures provide an encouraging indication for the likely position in the summer and, of course, there will still be thousands more applications between now and then.”
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