Law Weblog
Legal aid, The Law Society, Civil Action – Letter Before Action
Saturday 24 March 2007 at 10:43 am | In News | Post CommentThe Law Society has sent a Letter Before Action, as any litigant has to before taking proceedings. The letter is required as part of the “Pre-action Protocolsâ€. The proceedings proposed are against the Legal Services Commission. The action is on behalf of thousands of solicitors throughout the country who are objecting to the proposals that followed Lord Carter’s Report.
The solicitors are angry that the current legal aid contracts are not going to be renewed at the end of the month and they will be subject to a ‘unified contract’. This essentially means that instead of being paid for the work they do they will be paid for a job they do. So, if a case is more complex and they need to do extra legal work they will not get paid for the extra work.
In many areas solicitors have withdrawn their labour at courts. The government is determined the reforms will be implement. Hence the matter will now be dealt with by the courts.
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