Law Weblog
Meadow v General Medical Council [2006] EWHC 146 (Admin)
Saturday 28 October 2006 at 12:06 am | In News | Post CommentThe Appeal Court has ruled, in the case of Professor Sir Roy Meadow, that expert witnesses can be disciplined by their regulatory body. The three Appeal Court judges also cleared Sir Roy of serious professional misconduct.
The General Medical Council (GMC) had struck off Sir Roy, a paediatrician, after he had given evidence against Sally Clark during her trial for the murder of her sons. His evidence was that there was a “one in 73 million” chance of two children dying from cot deaths. This was found to be so flawed that the GMC found him guilty of serious professional misconduct and he was struck off the medical register.
The High Court ruled that expert witnesses could not be punished by their regulatory bodies for “honest mistakes”, but the Appeal Court has overturned this judgment.
Chief executive of the GMC, Finlay Scott, said: “We did not accept that the GMC should be prevented from using its statutory powers when we judge it to be necessary, and the Court of Appeal has confirmed that we were correct.”
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