Law Weblog
Victim’s advocates, pilot in Manchester
Monday 27 March 2006 at 5:28 pm | In News | Post CommentRelatives of murder or manslaughter victims in Manchester will have the opportunity to make a personal statement in court before sentence, in trials where someone is charged with murder or manslaughter after 24 April.
The purpose of a relative’s statement in court would be to explain how the death affected their family. Relatives could address the court in person or through a lawyer or other representative – a victim’s advocate. The role of the advocate would be to take them through the statement. The advocate could also provide advice and information about the case, the trial and decisions to be taken.
Manchester Crown Square is one of five crown courts that will pilot the scheme, tested for one year. The pilots will also run at the Old Bailey and in Birmingham, Cardiff and Winchester. Manchester Crown Square alone hears more than 50 murder and manslaughter cases a year.
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