Law Weblog
Judge attacked by serious criminal
Tuesday 14 March 2006 at 7:04 am | In News | Post CommentDuring the course of the summing up, an incident almost unique in trials in England and Wales occurred; the appellant escaped from the dock and physically attacked the judge.
For this, he was found to be in contempt of court and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment by a different judge. The Court of Appeal (on 10 March 2006) observed that this was a merciful sentence. Those who attack a judge, jury or other officer of the court in the course of their duties, particularly in the court room, can expect very long sentences measured in years.
The judge managed to defend himself and keep his attacker at arms length, he suffered shock but was uninjured, his sash was torn off.
The defendant Sebastian Lee Russell from Leicester was on trial for staging his own shooting in an attempt to escape justice for the attempted murder of police officer. He was eventually sentenced to 25 years jail. At Leicester Crown Court of the attempted murder of PC Gary Hunt and of conspiring to pervert the course of justice. He received 20 years for attempted murder, 13 years for use of a firearm with intent to resist arrest and two years for handling stolen goods – all to run concurrently.
He also received four years for conspiring to pervert the course of justice, to run consecutively.
Full case report here
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