Law Weblog
Sentencing – principles – deterrent
Friday 18 November 2005 at 10:00 am | In News | Post CommentR v Maka (2005) CA
D had been involved in the trafficking of a 15-year-old Lithuanian girl who had been tricked into coming to the United Kingdom. She was subsequently sold by the defendant a number of times, leading her to being raped and forced to work in brothels as a prostitute.
Held: The total sentence of 18 years on conviction for trafficking was severe but it was appropriately severe. Human trafficking had echoes of slavery. Deterrence to others who took part in such activities was a highly material consideration and the deterrence applied to others in Lithuania or other parts of Europe. The judge at trial stated that 120,000 women were being sent from the East to the West annually, and that the rate was increasing by up to 10% per year. He said that Lithuanians were particularly vulnerable since the country had entered the European Union, as Lithuanian criminals were targeting the United Kingdom. Trafficking is contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003. Attorney General’s Reference (No 6 of 2004) [2004] considered.
Appeal dismissed
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