Law Weblog
Rape suspects, anger by campaigners
Friday 4 June 2010 at 8:50 am | In News | Post Comment There was anger from campaigners last month when the coalition agreement, drawn up by the Tories and Liberal Democrats, included the pledge to keep the identity of rape suspects secret. It would have reinstated the anonymity rules repealed 12 years ago.At the time the measure was revealed, government sources suggested anonymity would only be lifted after a defendant had been through the courts and convicted. But speaking at his first Prime Minister’s questions, David Cameron suggested the new rules may only hide the identity of defendants until they were formally charged.
Women’s groups had argued the proposals would stop other rape victims coming forward, setting back plans to improve low conviction rates in rape trials. In a shift that appeared to pave the way for significantly watering down the scope of the anonymity changes, Mr Cameron conceded publicity around court cases can help bring other people who have been raped forward.
Despite welcoming the apparent clarification of the plans, the women’s rights campaign group, the Fawcett Society, warned even smaller reforms would be a step backwards.
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