Jonathan Sumption QC will not become Supreme Court Justice

Friday 16 October 2009 at 12:22 pm | In News | 2 Comments
Jonathat Sumption, QC has no judicial experience
Jonathat Sumption, QC has no judicial experience

Jonathan Sumption, QC, described as having a “brain the size of a planet”, appears to have been ruled out of filling the vacant post of Supreme Court Justice – Law Lord. Mr Sumption is among the most sought-after Queen’s Counsel at the Bar, coming top of numerous lists in legal directories.

The job was advertised in the press last week, but Court of Appeal judges are reported to hve told their colleagues in the Supreme Court that the new justice should be chosen from the ranks of serving judges.

To appoint Sumption directly from the bar to the SC will be a disincentive to others at the Bar to become judges if they can remain in practice, earning up to five times as much, and apply for the most senior posts towards the end of their careers.

Other contenders for the top job include Lords Justices Carnwath, Dyson (who was a contender for the Master of the Rolls) Dix, Laws and Sedley.

Under the Constititutional Reform Act 2005, the Supreme Court justices are chosen through a procedure involving a small selection panel chaired by Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, the President of the court.


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  1. Pity about that.this is a man with a very sound knowledge of the law.there should be room even if rare for outstanding lawyers like Sumption to be appointed to the Supreme Court

    Comment by ade okeaya inneh — Monday 4 January 2010 4:45 pm #

  2. One of the ways by which the Bench is usually stimulated is by the appointment of outstanding lawyers to the highest level of the judiciary. The decision not to appoint Sumption to the Supreme Court is unhelpful.

    Comment by Dr. Joseph Nwobike, SAN — Thursday 9 June 2011 8:49 pm #

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