Law Weblog
Barrister Mark Saunders – fatal shooting no prosecution
Saturday 19 September 2009 at 11:28 am | In News | Post CommentCharges of murder, attempted murder and manslaughter would not succeed against the officers because there was no evidence that any of the seven who fired 11 bullets did not honestly believe that they were acting in self defence, defence of a colleague or protection of the public because they were in immediate danger.
Charges of gross negligence and misconduct, and health and safety charges against those in charge of the operation could also not succeed in court.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigated the shooting but did not interview the officers involved in the incident, instead relying upon their written accounts of the shooting, because authorised firearms officers are treated as witnesses rather than as suspects. They will make public their report after the inquest.
A High Court challenge has paved the way for significant changes to the police practice of pooling notes after firearms incidents.
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