Law Weblog
Nice money, if you can get it
Sunday 27 June 2004 at 2:25 am | In News | Post CommentSince April, barristers have refused to sign contracts with the Legal Services Commission in very high cost criminal cases (those which last 11-28 days, including murder, drug trafficking, fraud and terrorism cases); they have effectively been on strike.
If the deal had not been reached, defendants would have been released on bail.
The government has agreed to increase defence barristers’ fees under a new scheme (thought to cost £15m). Daily rates will be £600 a day for a QC and £300 a day for a junior barrister putting annual earnings for a QC at £240,000 and a junior barrister £80,000.
This does not mean that all barristers will earn these figures; a newly qualified barrister is only guaranteed £10,000 a year in his/her first year.
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